Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

For a Better Indonesia

Indonesia is now a crisis in the field of food that the longer the greater the public need to wheat that trigger import with a sizeable amount for wheat as food Ideal for a variety of foods, such as noodles, cakes, breads, and pasta. It is associated with typical components of the wheat gluten flour that is not owned by non-wheat. Gluten is a type of protein and wheat are in about 80% of total protein wheat. Gluten consists of gliadin and globulin, which affect to the elasticity of the dough and elasticity of food or produce viscoelastic properties, so that the sheet can be made of flour dough, milled, and made fluffy. Today were developed from a variety of starchy tubers Local crops are abundant presence in Indonesia, which has the potential to as a source of carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes and yams arrowroot. Arrowroot (Maranta arundinaceae L) or arrowroot tubers is one that could potentially be substituents in the manufacture of pastry flour, noodles, and bread (Karjono,1998) when made flour first. One food product that can be made with wheat substitution use flour and arrowroot starch is bread. Today, the consumption of bread bargaining increasingly popular, so that dependence on wheat through the use of arrowroot flour as substituents are expected to be achieved. Require baking gluten to the formation of sponge (Hollow impression), because the gluten will trap air inside dough during cooking and reinforce the structure. Gluten is type of protein found in wheat only. Nevertheless, it is performed partial substitution of wheat in making dough for products The food, to reduce the use of wheat.
Selection of arrowroot in the form flour instead of starch due to the higher fiber content of flour because flour obtained by slicing thinly and then drying the tubers grind. While arrowroot starch is obtained by extraction so is likely to contain less fiber than arrowroot flour.Conditions of Indonesian society who depend on food particular for rice and wheat can weaken food security nationwide. One concern was the fact that in the period January to April 2005, a surge in imports of wheat to 176 thousand tons from the original 98 thousand tons in 2004 in the same period, and is expected during the year 2005 to 2006 will be doubled compared to 2004. Facing this, the need of development in the field of food that is geared to increase food self-sufficiency is not only one oriented on food grain but supported also by the types of other strategic commodities, such as tubers, such as canna, arrowroot potato, sweet potato, taro, and cassava, as well as producing trees foods such as sago, breadfruit, and sugar. By doing excavation potential Local food through food diversification, it will support national food security and reduce dependence on society will flour. Foodstuffs is expected to substitute for wheat though some products may only be a partial substitution. Local food diversification program was expected to decrease wheat flour import. The objective of this study are (i) to determine the proportion of arrowroot flour to be substituted to wheat flour in bread which still acceptable for the panelist, (ii) to evaluate the chemical and physical properties of the best substitute bread. Substitution of the flour was conducted from 0 to 25%. Physical properties including degree of development, homogeneity, toughness, also color and chemical properties proximate, sugar, starch, and dietary fiber were analyzed. It was found that the substitution of 10% was still acceptable.
This substitution decreased the degree of development and homogeneity compared to control bread (without substitution) but toughness was increased and the color of bread became dull. Moisture content, protein, fat, and sugar were decreased but ash and starch were increased. This substitution increased about 1% total dietary fiber content of the bread. the addition of arrowroot flour food causes an increase in fiber although in an amount not greater or less than 1%. Besides the use of arrowroot flour as a substituent, increased levels of dietary fiber also supported the event which encourages the formation of retrogradation resistant starch. Garut flour substitution up to 10% on the baking straight dough method produces bread that is still acceptable or acceptable panelists. In terms of its chemical properties, increasing the percentage of substitution arrowroot powder led to decrease in water content, protein content, fat content and total sugar, and increasing ash content, total starch, and fiber content of food. Judging physical properties, partially substituted white bread with flour arrowroot color change, development, and violence. Color bread bargaining of which was originally white yellowish become yellow faded. Level of development has decreased and violence bread increases with increasing percentage of arrowroot flour substitution. While the homogeneity of bread has not changed much. Arrowroot flour substitution may slightly increase the fiber content of food on white bread. Wheat has a number of protein is much higher but because the largest component is then when the process of the formation of gluten dough the gluten out of protein, so that the amount of protein than bread made ​​from 100% wheat contained almost the same as those substituted with Garut flour. Bread products also has a high starch content than white bread that is not substituted arrowroot flour. In dough, starch granules are among gluten-layer film coating surrounding the air cavity, and then gelatinization resulting bread had become staunchly structure, consequently when too much starch, bread becomes hard.

However, if taken into account as an alternative substitution of wheat flour, arrowroot flour enough to potentially cause the product require development such as white bread, substitutions can be made it is estimated that up to 10% for products that do not require development, for example, cookies can be made ​​larger substitution again. Thus the phenomenon of increased imports of wheat can overcome any only with the use of arrowroot tubers are processed into Garut flour. The addition of Garut flour in order to further increase the fiber content of food but it has physical properties which are still preferred or acceptable to consumers.

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